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Our Star Wars Review: “The Force Awakens” Embraces Millennials Without Pandering

J.J. Abrams’s take on Star Wars reboots the story for a new generation, but avoids over-flattering them.

The Star Wars franchise is the Shakespearean canon of pop culture. Regardless of artistic quality, it plays the same role as the bard’s best tales—exploring stories of good vs. evil in narratives that stay popular for many generations. The Force Awakens, though, is the first reboot made for the millennial generation. It’s not a classic old film that clings to tradition, but a new work that will speak to them. (Episodes I-III, being prequels with few of the same characters, are far removed from the originals.) Saying that, The Force Awakens could have been an irritating piece of cloying millennial pandering. But it’s not.

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